Mak Music!




If you live in Shetland and are aged 11-15 these FREE music project sessions could be for you! 

The workshops, which will be delivered in different locations throughout 2024, will provide an opportunity for young people who are interested in playing music, to have fun learning and experience playing in a group together.

Places will be limited to 6 participants per location.



In the first session we will look at well known songs chosen for and by participants. We will explore how the songs work, and identify which songs would suit the group before we decide which one to focus on. We will look at musical parts for instruments, and the group will see how technology could be used to create some of the sounds with the provided selection of drum machines and synthesisers.


The group will be given parts to play, suitable for the varying levels of musical experience. Learning the musical parts in the songs, the young participants will see and hear that simple musical parts when put together make for an amazing group sound!


Rehearsing the song together the group will have fun experiencing an instructor led band practice. This process is really fun! We will learn about keeping time, listening to each other and using our memories to play our musical parts to get through the whole song together. Once we have gotten the song to a place participants are happy with there is also the option to push the record button, meaning participants can also hear it back-providing a record of their musical collaboration!


Upcoming Sessions for August-September 2024:

Project Lead - David Boyter

A Shetland based musician and tutor with over two decades of experience working in music education, David has worked extensively with people of all ages, helping individuals and groups to learn to play and create with instruments, and to understand and use music technology.  

Mak Music! - is funded by The Scottish Government’s Youth Music Initiative (YMI) which is administered by Creative Scotland. The YMI creates access to high quality music making opportunities, enables young people to achieve their potential in or through music and supports the development of the sector for the benefit of young people.