If you live in Shetland and are aged 11-15 these FREE online zoom-based tutor-led learning sessions could be for you!
Participants learned how to create music using the award winning free music software BandLab. A weekly zoom workshop taught young people how to use BandLab to create music on their computer, tablet or phone.
The group sessions were a fun and informal learning space with a focus, over the ten free sessions, on gaining skills in BandLab to create music, make beats, recordings and more.
Block 1 Zoom Sessions: Thursdays 7pm. 5th Sep - 5th Oct.
Block 2 Zoom Sessions: Thursdays 7pm. 14th Nov - 12th Dec.
Session Tutor - David Boyter
A Shetland based musician and tutor with over two decades of experience working in music education, David has worked extensively with people of all ages, helping individuals and groups to learn to play and create with instruments, and to understand and use music technology.
Mak Music! - is funded by The Scottish Government’s Youth Music Initiative (YMI) which is administered by Creative Scotland. The YMI creates access to high quality music making opportunities, enables young people to achieve their potential in or through music and supports the development of the sector for the benefit of young people.